Welcome to Koech Consulting LLC - Empowering Organizations & Companies to Secure Their Future

At Koech Consulting, we assist organizations, companies, and government agencies in securing leads through strategic social media and local networks, guiding them through the process of nurturing leads into loyal clients. Are you ready to seamlessly elevate your conversion rates?

Why Partner With Us?

We are not your typical consulting/marketing agency. We are your strategic partner in talent acquisition and marketing, dedicated to helping you attract and retain members who are eager to purchase your products and services. Here's why companies and organizations choose us:

  • Comprehensive Solutions: We offer end-to-end solutions that encompass both recruitment and marketing strategies. From identifying the ideal candidates to crafting compelling campaigns, we've got you covered.

  • Industry Insights: With our in-depth knowledge of the market and marketing trends, we provide valuable insights to companies and organizations that enable them to connect with leads and convert them into clients.

  • Targeted Recruitment: Our recruitment efforts are laser-focused on identifying individuals who are not only qualified but also aligned with your organization's values and objectives. This ensures higher retention rates and long-term success.

  • Measurable Results: We believe in the power of data-driven decision-making. Our strategies are backed by analytics and performance metrics, allowing you to track progress and optimize your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Crafting Success Stories in Marketing

At Koech Consulting LLC, we are not just marketers; we are architects of success stories. Our journey in the world of marketing has been defined by a relentless passion for creativity, innovation, and client-centricity.

Founded on the belief that every business, regardless of size or industry, deserves a chance to shine, we embarked on this adventure with a mission: to empower our clients with the tools and strategies they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Digital Marketing Strategy

With a wealth of experience in digital marketing, I bring a unique blend of strategic insight and hands-on expertise to the table. My proficiency spans various facets of the digital landscape, including social media marketing, research-driven strategies, and leveraging technology and SaaS solutions. I have successfully built and nurtured a robust online presence, cultivating a loyal following and leveraging my local networks to drive impactful results for clients. My data-driven approach and commitment to integrity ensure that every digital marketing initiative is executed with precision and effectiveness, consistently exceeding expectations and delivering tangible growth outcomes.


We offer various consulting services:

  • Market Research and Analysis:
    we utilize our research background to conduct market research and competitive analysis for clients, helping them gain valuable insights into their target market, industry trends, and competitor strategies. We provide actionable recommendations for positioning, differentiation, and market penetration.

  • Lead Generation Optimization: We advise clients on optimizing their lead generation strategies, leveraging your expertise in social media marketing and local networks. Offer insights on identifying and attracting high-quality leads, optimizing conversion funnels, and implementing lead nurturing tactics to drive business growth.

  • Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Facilitate strategic partnerships and collaborations between clients and complementary businesses or influencers to expand their reach, access new audiences, and drive mutual growth opportunities. Provide guidance on identifying and nurturing valuable partnerships that align with clients' objectives and values.


How does your marketing process work?

Our marketing process begins with a thorough understanding of your unique goals, target audience, and industry landscape. We conduct in-depth research to identify opportunities and tailor a strategy that aligns with your objectives. From lead generation to conversion optimization, we implement a data-driven approach, leveraging our expertise in social media marketing and local networks to drive results.

What makes your marketing style unique and effective?

Our marketing style is characterized by a blend of creativity, data-driven insights, and a strong emphasis on nurturing relationships. We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, we customize strategies to suit your specific needs and goals. Our unique combination of social media expertise, research background, and integrity-driven approach sets us apart, ensuring impactful and sustainable results for our clients.

Who is an ideal candidate for your marketing services?

Our ideal clients are organizations, companies, and government agencies looking to elevate their marketing efforts and achieve tangible growth. Whether you're a small business seeking to expand your online presence or a large corporation aiming to optimize your conversion rates, our tailored solutions are designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

What kind of transformation can a client expect from your marketing?

Clients can expect a transformative journey towards enhanced brand visibility, increased lead generation, and improved conversion rates. Our comprehensive approach to marketing empowers businesses to attract, engage, and retain their target audience effectively, driving sustainable growth and long-term success.

Why should someone unsure about marketing decide to work with you?

Choosing to work with us means gaining a trusted partner committed to your success. We understand that navigating the complexities of marketing can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with the landscape. Our personalized approach, transparent communication, and proven track record of delivering results make us the ideal choice for anyone seeking expert guidance and tangible outcomes in their marketing endeavors.

What value do you bring to partnerships and collaborations?

We bring a wealth of expertise, resources, and industry connections to every partnership and collaboration. Our collaborative approach ensures alignment with your goals and objectives, fostering a synergistic relationship built on trust, integrity, and mutual success. Whether it's co-branding opportunities, joint ventures, or strategic alliances, we're committed to creating value and driving impactful outcomes for all parties involved.

Meet the Founder & CEO

Hi, I'm Dr. Alice Koech

Passionate about helping businesses thrive, I founded Koech Consulting LLC, to provide expert marketing solutions tailored to your needs. With a background in social media marketing, research, and a strong local network, I'm here to help you generate leads, nurture relationships, and achieve tangible growth.

Get In Touch

Kansas City, KS, USA